
Inspiring Michael Jackson

I'm always investigating limits, the limits of science, of creativity, etc. But usually i find disappointing the fact that:
Don't care how much you think about something new, someone in the past has already done it.
This is the case today, Michael Jackson, the astonishing performer, did really not invented nothing but mix it and pour that wonderful geniushake over all of us...
Just Watch This!


Who's gonna drive you home... tonight...

"Drive" sung by Escorpions in a live acoustic session...
It was written by Ric Ocasek, founder of new wave 80s band The Cars, in 1984. In the same year, a videoclip was recorded and released in august, which was starred by Paulina Porizkova, 5 years later married with Ocasek. Sixteen years later after the release, in the same week, the singer of The Cars, Benjamin Orr, who sung it originally, died in 2000 of pancreatic cancer.
In 1985, the whole world lived the Live Aid concert (just 2 weeks after my birth) and Drive got worlwide famous because of its use as the background soundtrack to a montage of clips showing poverty-stricken Africa.
I hope you delight one more time your ears with this fine and delicate balad.

Who's gonna tell you when, it's too late
Who's gonna tell you things, aren't so great

You can't go on, thinking nothing's wrong
Who's gonna drive you home tonight

Who's gonna pick you up, when you fall
Who's gonna hang it up, when you call
Who's gonna pay attention, to your dreams
Who's gonna plug your ears, when you scream

You can't go on, thinking nothing's wrong
Who's gonna drive you home tonight

Who's gonna hold you down, when you escape
Who's gonna come around, when you break

You can't go on, thinking nothing's wrong
Who's gonna drive you home tonight
You can't go on, thinking nothing's wrong
Who's gonna drive you home tonight

Who's gonna drive you home tonight


Simian Mobile Disco - Audacity of Huge (HD)

Mmmm... Ahhh... Mmmm... Ahhh
I got it all, yes it’s true… So why don’t I get you?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Audacity of HUGE!!!!!



Con sólo 5 años ya sabía el nombre de todos los animales y plantas que rodeaban su casa en varias horas de paseo a la redonda. Incluídas todas las flores. Si no sabía el nombre de algo y nadie era capaz de darle una respuesta adecuada, ella misma le ponía nombre.
De repente, Lara paró el paso, dejó de pensar en lo bueno que estaría el pastel que su madre empezó a prepar esa mañana y se llenó súbitamente los pulmones para, atónita, observar el galope de llamativo animal montado por un caballero de extraña vestimenta. Él se acerca pero ella no se asusta:
- Señorita, ¿podría indicarme el camino hacia la iglesia local? Tengo un mensaje muy importante que llevar de parte del señor cardenal.
- Se lo digo si me dice cómo se llama ese animal en el que va montado usted.
Después de una abierta y desmesurada carcajada, el caballero contesta, convencido por satisfacer de pleno tal infantil exigencia:
- Claro, se llama Truán, es un ejemplar extraordinario, ¿verdad? Noble y dócil.
Lara pensó que los truanes eran animales elegantes y fuertes, y que quería cazar uno para ella, aunque todavía no sabía cómo ni dónde...
- Mire, ¿ve esa cruz allí a lo alto?


NEW ERA in video games

Wow! It's a brilliant idea. OMG! I'm really really excited with this.
It's cloud computing applied to video games. So you can play anygame anytime anywhere. And you just need a decent internet connection, mmm...
It works easily, you send the controls of the game from your PC(mouse, keyboard) or Mac, or even from a cheap special microconsole connected to your TV, and they send you back the video, so all the hard work (the processing of the graphics) is made by special servers designed to this purpose.
Now, there are 2 companies developing the system. OnLive and Gaikai.

OnLive -> This is a must-see, pls! Theres an awesome presentation video!

OnLive its coming on Winter 2009. Im rubbing my hands together!


Fable XV by R. L. Stevenson

-Be ashamed of yourself,- said the frog.
-when I was a tadpole, I had no tail.-
-Just what I thought!- said the tadpole.
-You never were a tadpole.

Spanish translation by Daniel Vivar
Fábula XV, por Robert Louis Stevenson
-Debería darte vergüenza,- dijo la rana.
-cuando yo era un renacuajo, no tenía cola.-
-¡Justo lo que pensaba!- dijo el renacuajo.
-No has sido nunca un renacuajo.